5 Reasons You Should Add Bark Chippings to Your Garden

Are you looking for ways to improve your garden this year? If so, read on! Gardens can be a wonderful place to relax and leave behind the stresses of everyday life. They offer an escape from the world and are perfect for spending time outdoors. However, most gardens are fairly uninspiring – especially in autumn when leaves begin to fall from the trees and reveal bare branches. But what if there was a way you could make your garden spectacular even before leaves begin to fall? You might think that adding bark chippings would be uninspiring. But here’s why you’d be so wrong…

It offers a natural barrier from the wind.

Bark chippings have many desirable qualities, but one of its best features is that it offers a natural barrier from the wind. Winds can be extremely harmful to gardens if they’re left unchecked. Not only do they destroy the leaves on trees, but they can also ravage your garden and leave your plants struggling to survive. If you add bark chippings to your garden, it will help to prevent the effects of wind – keeping your plants safe and sound. Bark chippings

It’s soft on your feet.

Bark chippings are soft on your feet. This is particularly beneficial if you have a lot of people coming and going in your garden. Not only are they soft on your feet, but they’re also easy to walk on – making them accessible to all. This is particularly useful if you have small children or elderly people visiting your garden often. They’re also beneficial if you have limited mobility.

It provides an abundance of nutrients for your soil.

You may be wondering how bark chippings can benefit the plants in your garden. It’s true that adding bark won’t provide any immediate benefits to your plants, but it will provide an abundance of nutrients for your soil. This is because bark chippings contain a lot of nutrients, including potassium, magnesium, and nitrogen. When added to the soil, these nutrients can have an astonishing effect. For example, adding magnesium can prevent your plants from getting rust. Potassium is especially beneficial as it can aid the growth of plants – meaning you can grow more produce in your garden.

It helps to retain moisture in the earth.

Moisture is crucial to the growth of any living thing. Without it, life wouldn’t be able to exist, let alone thrive. Sadly, most soils don’t retain moisture very well. This can be extremely problematic if you want to grow any type of plant in your garden. If you add bark chippings to the soil in your garden, it will help to retain moisture – meaning your plants will be able to grow with ease. The nutrients found in bark can also help your plants to grow more quickly.

It looks beautiful – especially when it’s dark!

Bark chippings look beautiful when they’re left to darken with time. They provide your garden with a natural aesthetic and are perfect for the autumn season. Once the leaves have fallen and the weather has gotten colder, they’re a perfect way to add a pop of colour to your garden. They’re perfect for creating paths and walkways in your garden and are a wonderful way to spruce up your outdoor space for the colder months.

So, why not add some bark chippings to your garden?

Bark chippings are a wonderful addition to any garden and offer a wide variety of benefits. They offer a natural barrier from the wind, are soft on your feet, provide an abundance of nutrients for the soil, help to retain moisture in the earth, and look beautiful – especially when they’re dark! There are many advantages to adding bark chippings to your garden and it’s the perfect way to spruce up your outdoor space for the colder months.

This article is provided by https://www.barkukonline.co.uk/bark-mulch-bark-chips